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What Terrorists Should Understand

It's, again, shocking to know there were terrorist attacks that happened within three days this week in Makassar and Jakarta. Thank God there're no fatalities except for the attackers themselves, which were, still, sad to know they ended their life for nothing. Concerning the issue, I have some points to say about what terrorists should very much understand and I'm trying not to drag it to political, racial, religion matters, but more into humanity in general, as it is universal.

Craving for Heaven

Nobody doesn't really want to go to hell even though for some people it won't matter, simply as they don't believe in such thing. It's a matter of beliefs anyway, but picturing "hell" is not always a good idea for most of us whatever it is. The doers of the bomb attacks believed that they're gonna go to heaven because they've done "the right things" and "justifiable" that make them "eligible" for the tickets. 

Here's the thing. Every house has its own rules. You can do this, but this one just don't. If you do this, if you avoid this, you'll go to heaven. But how can you go to heaven but in the meantime you create hell for you and people around you? That's the attackers should've very much understood before taking decision to commit to any terror attack. 

Is killing a right thing? Definitely not no matter what. Taking somebody's life means taking a son or a daughter from their parents. Taking somebody's life means taking parents from their children. Taking someone away so nobody can support the house. Or taking one who's become the only reason for someone not to give up. And when they're taken away from their families or friends, means that some part of their lives are also taken away. And it's not justifiable for anybody to take what's not theirs. Did they even know the first messages from Him included do not kill? 

At this point, are they still eligible for heaven?

Relationship with God and people

Becoming a faithful or religious person cannot be taken as bad. Practicing what the religions teach you is a good thing. By doing so maybe it will take you to a closer and intimate relationship with God. But what people need to always remember is that having a good relation between people is manifested from their good relation with God. No matter how close someone feels about their relation with God goes to redundancy as long as they have no good intentions to the other people. Does God really want you to get close to Him by asking you to make the other people your enemy?

Disagreements on things and that really sound ridiculous, and here they are:

  1. Disagreement on conventional banking and it's sinful. Do they know that there is now Sharia-based banking system with its banks available that they can use? They can choose which one suits them most. 
  1. Disagreement on government, which eventually lead us to talk about people relation and the complexity of life aspects interrelated nowadays. If they don't want to live under the regulation of a country, they can move somewhere foreign and remote where nobody's gonna reach them, and no products or values they will infuse and threaten their ideal of purity. Since there is no, nothing, pure nowadays. Okay, let's say, should they make it, living in their own place with their ideals, still human relation is inevitable. Otherwise they have to use to find any other way as current technologies and products even concepts and ideas are not 100 percent based on their purity ideal.

The world evolves and bad things happen, either due to force majeure or human-designed. Killing, attacks, any other form of terror just make it worse. How can you expect something better when you're making things worse? At least for yourself first. 
