Solotrip 5 Negara Asean (Part 1: Paman Taxi Keturunan Jawa Di Malaysia)

“JB Central how much, Uncle?” aku masukin beberapa koin dollar Singapore ke mesin yang seperti celengan di depan tempat sopir bus SBS di Woodlands.

“One forty (SGD1.40), too much money.” Jawab uncle bus sambil pencet-pencet tombol keluar tiket. Ada dua kali bunyi tiket keluar. Ternyata aku tadi masukin tiga dollar untuk tiket seharga satu setengah dollar. Aku bengong dan lebih lagi uncle bus juga mulai spaneng melihatku berdiri membatu di depannya.

Aku bisa melihat tatapan matanya seperti berkata “Ya, kamu, orang gila, jangan berdiri ngeblok penumpang lain dan cepat cari tempat duduk di belakang sana!” Aku ambil dua potongan kertas mungil dari mesin tiket dan ke belakang dengan santainya. Aku kan sudah bayar, DUA lagi.

Ya. Aku melakukan perjalanan sendiri dan beli tiket untuk dua orang. Untung cuma tiket bus. Mungkin uncle bus itu mulai berpikir aku memiliki teman imajinasi yang terlalu nyata seperti film Beautiful Mind atau apa. Terserah. Anyway, this is my holiday story.

Jadi liburanku kali ini sendiri saja. Bukan karena dua orang kebanyakan ya, tapi memang teman-teman lainnya juga sudah merencanakan liburannya sendiri (which is mostly to Bali, like…okay). Tapi liburan sendiri juga mengasyikkan loh! Terlepas dengan rentetan drama yang terjadi, but at least, aku bisa melakukan apapun, pergi kemanapun, tidur jam berapapun, apapun, sesukaku, sesuka jam biologisku. Tidak seperti liburan beramai-ramai di mana terlalu banyak cincai-cincai.  

Seperti liburanku ke Medan, di mana aku dan Indra layaknya pasangan gay yang harus sabar dan waspada terhadap setiap gerak-gerik  anak semata wayang mereka yang bernama Sari karena penampilan anak gadisnya itu terlalu mengundang para pelaku kriminal sejagad Sumatra. Dan aku bisa lihat Indra seringkali cannot tahan dengan ulah Sari. Oh, Tuhan! Bukannya aku egois loh ya. It’s just…you know, solo traveller is…way exciting!

Beberapa tempat yang akan aku kunjungi adalah Ho Chi Minh City (aku lebih suka menyebutnya Saigon. Lebih gampang), Siem Reap di Cambodia, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur dan Melaka di Malaysia (meskipun yang terakhir tidak jadi aku kunjungi karena aku sudah menjadi gelandangan sejak di Bangkok).

Itinerary  dan budget sudah siap (Omigod, thank you Vico telah merancangkan banyak hal terutama budgeting untuk liburanku. Hai para direktur BUMN yang punya preferensi dengan sekretaris lelaki, I have Vico to offer you!). Aku belum ada ide apapun tentang Saigon actually, dan yang aku tahu tentang Siem Reap cuma Angkor Wat yang ternyata satu DNA dengan Prambanan di Jogjakarta. Bangkok? Aku tidak sabar dengan naturism dan telanjang dan sebagainya. Kuala Lumpur? I’ll be fine, at least we speak the same language. Melaka? So bad, aku sudah jatuh miskin dan bahkan ada tagihan menyusul. Sialan.

Rute traveling kali ini adalah Batam – Singapore – Johor Bahru – Saigon – Siem Reap – Bangkok – Kuala Lumpur – Johor Bahru – Singapore – Batam.

Persiapan sudah dilakukan jauh-jauh hari seperti booking tiket pesawat. You know what, aku mendapatkan tiket pesawat ke Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) dengan harga murah. Jauh lebih murah dari pada dari Singapore dengan dollarnya. Untuk rute JB-Saigon cuma MYR159 saja, bandingkan dengan keberangkatan dari Singapore yang mencapai SGD220! Jadi, karena aku lebih memilih harga yang masuk akal dan kantong, aku rela menyeberang ke Johor Bahru. Untuk tiket pulangnya aku booking rute Bangkok – Kuala Lumpur seharga MYR177 (I love you, Air Asia).

Rute dari Batam ke Singapore sama saja dengan rute yang diambil saat ke Phuket

rute vietnam ke thailand, jalur darat, rute darat
Route Saigon - Siem Reap - Bangkok tanpa melewati Pnom Pehn, dan naik bus.

Perjalanan dari JB Central ke Senai Airport sendiri juga mudah. Naik taksi cuma 51 Ringgit, perjalanan ditempuh selama 20 menit. Aku sempat terkejut karena uncle taxi ternyata sangat fasih bahasa Jawa. Maklum, karena kedua orangtuanya berasal dari Jogjakarta yang berdiaspora ke Malaysia pada jaman penjajahan dulu. Jadilah obrolan singkat Jawa Inggris gaya Malay. Lucu sekali. Dia bercerita kalau ia dan istrinya masih menggunakan bahasa Jawa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Heran juga kenapa seringkali masyarakat jadi spaneng dengan budaya yang dipraktikkan di negara orang. I mean, memang ada komunitas Jawa di sana dan jumlahnya juga tidak sedikit. Harusnya selain marah kita juga berterima kasih karena setidaknya mereka berusaha melestarikan, mengingat generasi sekarang juga gampang-gampang susah untuk hal-hal berbau tradisional. Dan bukannya ada juga komunitas asli Indonesia di Amerika Selatan sana, belum lagi di Belanda yang juga tidak sedikit.

Pricing to note:

Ticket PP Ferry Batam – Singapore: SGD28.00-32.00 (Kurs 10000/SGD)
Bus Tanah Merah – Bedok MRT: SGD2.00
MRT Bedok – Woodlands: SGD2.60
Bus Woodlands – JB Central: SGD1.40
Taxi JB Central – Senai International Airport: MYR51.00 (Kurs 3500/Ringgit)


Get Ready For 10th Nongsa Cup Golf Tournament 2015

For the 10th successive year, we take great pleasure the Nongsa Cup Golf Tournament Committee is pleased to announce the date for the much anticipated “10th NONGSA CUP GOLF TOURNAMENT 2015” which has been will be confirmed on Sunday, 8th to Monday 9th November 2015 in Nongsa, Batam with the total Hole in One of IDR600,000,000.-
This is a joint event initiated by, namely, Batam View Beach Resort, Tering Bay Golf Country Club and Palm Springs Golf Beach Resort Batam, a proud tradition of the three properties in Nongsa. This year BatamFast involve to make the event more successfull.
The event is 2-days golf tournament will be played in 2 golf courses, Tering Bay Golf & Country Club and Palm Springs Golf & Beach Resort and golfers will be staying over at Batam View Beach Resort.
For details and registration, please email us at:


My Trip: Brunei Darussalam

masjid,terbrsar,brunei darussalam
Brunei Darussalam

Talking about Brunei Darussalam maybe only few people know where it is. Even I do not know exactly where it is. I mean, even media almost talked nothing about this little Kingdom.

I went there earlier this month for ASEAN Fair 2015 which was held in International Convention Centre, Bandar Seri Begawan. I had been there for five days and I found many things run differently in this small country.

The way I get there

I took Airasia from Singapore’s Changi. The last flight available is at 9.20 pm to which would transit in KLIA2 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. So the route will be Singapore-Kuala Lumpur-Brunei. There is direct flight from Singapore to Brunei which is Royal Brunei Airlines, but it was way higher the airfare.

It took exactly 1 hour from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur. It was 10.20 pm when I arrived at KLIA2. Talking about KLIA, it was my first time to get there. I spent time there for at least 8 hours as my next flight would be t 6.45am local time. What the hell!

Anyway, this airport is just okay. There is a movie lounge, sport lounge, food court, duty free, money changer (of course), minimarket that open 24 hours plus WiFi to stay connected. The only thing was we could hardly find the plug to recharge our electrical devices.

It took around 2.5 hours from Kuala Lumpur to Brunei.  The plane landed at 9 am. There was no difference between Malaysia and Brunei time. Once I stepped into the arrival hall, what I felt was like “Okay I find something unique here”. The directory signage there was written in Arabic letter but it's not Arabic (the language), and I believe if there was any Arabian seeing the words they would not understand it either, or at least without a mislead meaning for them.

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Signage in English and Jawi

They called it Huruf Jawi (Jawi letter). So, the directory signage all around Brunei was using Latin alphabetical letter (sure as they speak English and Malay) and Jawi letter. The latter one was basically Malay but was written in Arabic. Confusing for those not learning it.

After get myself refreshed I went directly to International Convention Centre or the locals called it ICC (it reminds me of the one in Den Haag everytime I speak ICC). I took taxi lah. Anyway, talking about taxi, for your information, there’re only thirtyish taxis in Brunei as everyone uses cars, no wonder the taxi fare was very expensive. It’s less than 1 mile from the airport to ICC and it charged me BND25.00 (USD18.70)! I paid in Singapore Dollar. We could use Singapore dollars here as they pegged the currency as the same rate.

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Taxi fare receipt. Super expensive!

What to see in Brunei.

Well, the size of this Kingdom is ten times of Singapore, but its population is one tenth of Singapore’s. And it’s oil-rich country. And it’s Sharia country. So, every Friday starting from 12 noon until 2 pm all is compulsory to end any activities as it’s time for Friday prayer. All shops have to end activities at 10 pm except in some areas, and it’s even not many.

Alcohol and cigars are forbidden here. (They usually smuggled) the cigars from the neighbouring Malaysia’s city of Miri. And for alcohol drink, only non-Muslim can get them in. Anyway, the rules remain the rules. The truth is the truth.

I went to the city of Bandar Seri Begawan on Friday morning and went around the city in a very limited time. Friday! There was Kampong Ayer (Kampong Air in Bahasa Indonesia or Water Village in English) where we could see the remaining traditional authentic Kampong houses of local Bruneian. It was located by the Bruneian river, that’s why they called it so.

From Kampong Ayer, we could see the Istana (Sultan palace). It looked like mosque, with many minarets and golden dome. We could reach there by water taxi, unfortunately, as I had no time so I skipped the trip to the palace. There was also a monument that was made in celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the King, Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzadin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam.

I moved to visit Masjid Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien, one of the most beautiful mosque in Asia. You could see the 24-carat glittering gold covering the dome of the mosque. There are many great (and glitter) mosques in Brunei (even there is a great one next to the airport) and some of the monument are made of gold!

Another great mosque just next to the airport

Another thing was that lots of Indonesian in Brunei. I mean, even at the downtown I could easily find someone talking Javanese here, and Bruneian had already been familiar with them anyway. The migrant workers in Brunei were mostly coming from Indonesia, with the rest were coming from Thailand and the Philippines. That’s what made me relief at some point, I could easily find Indonesian food!!!! I ate Ayam Penyet and Tempe Mendoan during my stay in Brunei, of course, I ate other food as well. But, you know, even I went to a restaurant they offered me various Nasi Goreng and Teh Tarik which was of course Indonesian food. I was just like “Okay, I’m not really out of home.”
