Cara Membuat Selai Pala Dengan Mudah

pala, buah pala, selai pala, cara membuat selai pala
Buah pala bahan baku selai pala

Pala adalah salah satu jenis rempah-rempah yang sudah dikenal di Nusantara bahkan menjadi komoditas terpenting di awal penjajahan Belanda. 

Pala bisa dengan mudah ditemukan di Indonesia timur, mulai dari kepulauan Maluku seperti Banda Neira hingga Papua.

Di Kaimana sendiri ada sebagian masyarakatnya menanam pohon pala untuk dipanen dan diolah buahnya. Biasanya yang diprioritaskan adalah bagian biji dan "bunga", yakni selaput merah yang membungkus biji pala dan bunga itu adalah bagian paling mahal dari buah pala. Sedangkan daging buah diolah menjadi manisan pala dan selai pala. 

Selama tinggal di Kaimana, saya mendapatkan pengalaman menarik tentang mengolah daging buah pala menjadi selai. So, this is how it all was going.

1. Pertama kita petik dulu buah pala. Pilih yang sudah berwarna orange atau cokelat muda karena warna tersebut menandakan buah pala sudah cukup masak. Jangan memilih buah yang masih berwarna kuning karena akan terasa sangat asam. 

2. Setelah itu, kupas kulitnya, pisahkan biji dan bunganya dan iris dagingnya setebal 6 mm / setengah - satu sentimeter. 

3. Rendam dengan air garam selama kurang lebih semalaman untuk menghilangkan rasa asam dari dagingnya. Bisa juga menggunakan air laut. 

4. Setelah direndam, bilas kembali daging pala dengan air bersih, kemudian haluskan bisa menggunakan blender atau cobek seperti membuat sambal.

5. Setelah halus, masukkan pala halus ke dalam panci / wajan dan aduk dalam api sedang sampai mendidih dan mengental.

6. Terakhir adalah dengan menambahkan gula sesuai selera. Setelah mengental dan matang serta rasa pas, biarkan selai dingin. And the nutmeg jam is ready! :D


Day 7: Hari Tanpa Social Media

Day 7

28 April 2021

It's supposed to be the last day without social media, unless otherwise decided then it'll be extended for the other seven days ahead. 

What I'm getting from this experiment is that I'm glad I'm just fine without social media. No Instagram, no Facebook, no Twitter, no WhatsApp story, no YouTube, no e-commerce check, no news apps. No buzz no fuzz in my mind. There's less excuse for me to stay awake late l because I'm in the middle of following all the details about something. My brain is not fulled with all the shits that I'm not supposed to have. It's just way less crowded which is good. 

I unsubscribed total of 52 subscription (two more today), and my email is now let's say, clean enough. Maybe it doesn't seem important for now, but at least, I will not waste space for more redundancy.  

Maybe some of you is okay with social media, you spend relatively normal minutes checking your phone. But you should consider taking this kind of experiment so you'll see how cool you are without them. 

Or maybe for those having problems with mobile games or whatever you call it, you can try. Maybe you won't realize you open the apps but then you remember, then slowly you'll know when you open it. Meaning that it's not programmed in your mind. Give your brain some space for not giving a shit on those you actually can just skip. 

Maybe it's not social media or games, maybe it's just the devices so let's just change the smartphone with the more basic feature phone. But then, you'll find out sometimes you check the phone and play the basic games in the basic phone. I mean, it's not about device or apps in it, it's about the user who's using it. 

Am I really gonna log back into my account tomorrow?


Day 6: Hari Tanpa Social Media

Day 6

27 April 2021, 

I'm not sure if I'm going to log back into my accounts on 29 April. I pretty much enjoy my time without social media. Beneran. On practical level, should my friends or some people want to contact me, they can reach me through WhatsApp, text me or simply call me or send me some e-mail, that's all. 

Maybe I can watch TV sometimes or reading news , tune into radio, some really basic things that will not potentially overwhelm me with things that I actually do not need to know. 

So you're going conservative? No. Because my mind is not.

I can spend much time to read books without significant distractions, edit some photos, cook some shit that I like. I need not scroll up and down, slide and swipe and put my face against screen.

But, let's see what I'll decide tomorrow. 
