My Twitter Is No Filter

I'd like to share my opinion on how I use my Twitter. Okay, he we go.

My Twitter is no filter

I've been using Twitter for more than ten years and I use it pretty much for speak-up. I can be true on it, talk everything I want, express my views, my thoughts, my feeling. Just everything. Sometimes I even curse and swear in my tweet just like many, many users do. My Twitter is no filter. No filter is my Twitter. 

I comment on many issues. Social issues mostly, from daily shits, social unrest, to things related to religion and politics either in serious manner or simply (dark) jokes. 

Then I followed accounts that frequently make giveaways. Who doesn't want things free? So I followed them, some of them. Then I dunno, their followers followed me and so did I. I won giveaways like three or four times which is actually more than lucky. I'm happy for it, but then shits started screwing up.

The guard is up

I dunno but I found that some (if not many) of my mutual friends are directed to be very supportive on one particular side. Like, they blindly support one side no matter what, and bash on those not supporting the side they do. I can be wrong as I believe people have right to speak whatever they want. And I really respect on that principle.

But then, when I scroll down the timeline I found them tweeting and talking about personal issues and like acting as a blind defenders and it's not a healthy feed for me I think. Especially when we're talking about something "hard talk". 

It's not because that I have different opinions, but more like, you know, we argue and it's based on rationality with data and proves and shits whatever. It's gonna be a dynamic yet new knowledge for us as we discuss more deeply on some issues. I am expecting that. But what I often find is that it's full of mocking, shit talking like fxckery and they did it just for defense. So they basically are reluctant to open their mind to some facts and opinion or what? 

So I realized that I didn't need such thing so, ya, I started unfollowing those accounts. Even if they still have many many giveaways with more followers but ya, I don't think it works on me. So I unfollowed manyy of them. 

My Twitter account were suspended twice

It's true. First time I got suspended for I tweeted something about Stranger Things and it's weird how some users reported my tweet. I mean, I believe at least 12,000 accounts would have been though the same shit as I did. LOL. It's over two weeks until I got my Twitter back to normal. 

Since my account was blocked, so I made another account. It's like a backup account. I speak just like whatever it is. No issue I was up against. I use my two accounts, switch-switch. 

The second time my Twitter account was suspended because I tweeted about the new criminal code issues. It's widely protested and opposed by the people. And Twitter became like a warzone. My Twitter was suspended for more that three months. And I didn't get a clear explanation why it's suspended. I mean, it's opinion. The way of thinking and I didn't spread false facts or hoax. Should be no problems but anyway, it's settled. And since it's blocked, I used backup account.

Freedom of speech is confusing

At least for now, yes, it's confusing. And it's like a trap. We have to carefully arrange the wording when we're about to tweet about something that's unpopularity standout, or when we're about to criticize on something that's just needed to be evaluated or critized. As there's a law that, in practical level, allow those with powers to deploy their "things" to "look at" us on what we're saying. It's a bit ridiculous for me personally as the debate keeps going on there on whatever the issues. If we don't agree on something, and we're dealing with those who are at the opposite, then we just deal with them, giving some arguments with evidences, rationality, concepts, whatever it is. 

But nowadays, some people use the law to curb the tongues of those who disagree with them. Isn't it a misuse of know what I mean? So ya, freedom of speech is confusing, if not slowly fading nowadays. 

Anyway, those are some points I'd like to share here. I do expect that we will still have our freedom to express our thoughts without fearing on something silly happen, just because we're being true and speaking facts. 


Day 4: Hari Tanpa Social Media

Nothing much happened today. No distractions and I can start taking conclusion that basically I'm fine without social media. But, still, who knows for tomorrow.

Oh, iya I unsubscribe 4 more shits today. The total will be 48 shits I unsubscribedm cool!

I'm actually going to share my opinion on how I use my Twitter. Okay, he we go. You know what, better I put it on the different posting. Haha.


Day 3: Hari Tanpa Social Media

I received less emails today. Yay!!!

I have something to share here. But, disclaimer first: it's not merely and mutually exclusive, because of not using social media, but you can have one less excuse anyway.

Jadi, aku bisa tidur jam sepuluh malam. It's like Moses split the red sea alias gak paham lagi dah. Dan ternyata salah satunya karena aku gak lagi cek-cek or scrolling timeline di Twitter or Instagram. Pas udah ngantuk, tidur aja. Letakin hape dan zzzzzz. 

Ah, tapi kalau emang dah ngantuk, ya ngantuk aja. Nggak perlu bawa-bawa socmed dan lainnya. Pasti ada yang bilang gitu. 

That's why aku kasih disclaimer di atas. Setidaknya, saat kita gak pakai social media, dan saat tubuh kita bilang "istirahat", kita istirahat aja. Karena, pernah nggak sih pas ngantuk, terus bela-belain melek dengan dalih "bentar lagi deh", "ntar ini dikit lagi", "nanggung lagi seru ni" dan sejenisnya dan akhirnya malah bablas sampai after midnight kita masih melek? Dan mungkin jadi overthinking dan bangun pagi harinya kepikiran hal-hal itu. 

Karena biasanya sebelum tidur aku masih asik ber-socmed, dengan absent-nya social media tersebut, I have less excuses to extend my "stay awake" for the sake of entahlah, yang pada akhirnya aku bisa istirahat aja. Tidur nyenyak. Mungkin ada yang mengalaminya juga, hal yang sama persis atau dengan variabel berbeda. I dunno. 

Emang nggak ada yang WhatsApp jam segitu? Ada, but it's groups. So I just left it that way. 

Oh, wait. Jadi aku ada delapan group WhatsApp yang aktif (maksudnya, chatting di sana. Bukan aku yang chat anyway. I'm stranger and I feel better and glad to act like or to be like one, setidaknya di beberapa group itu) and it's like non-stop. Like, really. Jesus. 

Jadi aku mute aja beberapa group itu. Kok nggak leave aja? Kan sama halnya kayak email subscription? 

Mmm...tidak sama actually. It's more like komunikasi 2 arah whatever. Group bisa bikin kita tetap dekat dengan kawan-kawan yang kita kenal in real life. But, anyway it's preference.

Oh iya, one last thing, tadi aku dengar katanya kapal selam sudah ditemukan(?). I mean, it didn't sound good. I have nothing to comment, just wish for the best. 
