Indonesians Storm Thai Gay Couple's Social Media With Humiliation And Dead Threats? Why?

It's embarrassing for me to ask this kind of question actually. But, I just read news of "Indonesians storm Thai gay couple's social media with humiliation and even dead threats because of their wedding post on their social media". 

I mean, come on people! How come you possibly so rude to others? They throw all the bad words into the comment section and it's just embarrassing. Indonesians are way too far crossing the lines. 

First, okay let's say you do not agree with what they are because it's forbidden by religion. You have to understand that religion is a private matter. Oh, sorry maybe some you don't take it so. Anyhow, if you insist to do so, just why don't you storm those committed any, any forbidden by religion thing as what you believe? 

You need not go far stalking someone's profile who's not even living in your country. You have corruptors to bash as they've stolen and added on more difficulties in lives of millions in your country. What they the corruptors have done is: forbidden by religion (as what you expect), and moreover, done harms as they took away rights of the people. They took money supposed to be allocated in education improvement, social assistance, healthcare and facilities, and many more. 

Even if you keep insisting what the gay couple had done is forbidden by religion, do they harm you and other people? Can you please let the world know what harms of it? Evenmore, do they take people's money and add on more poverty? Do they say bad words upon you? 

One more thing, don't you even remember that saying bad words to the other people is forbidden by religion? 

Second, cursing them as to be causes of natural disasters is another ridiculous trash-ure in your head. Natural disasters are scientifically caused by nature (eg. Earthquake, tsunami, volcanoes, storms) or in other cases by us human (eg. fires, global warming, flood after deforestation). There is no correlation between someone's sexual orientation with natural disasters. That is why we call it natural disasters, it's the nature. You may think you're right with your cursing but you just make a fool of yourself, silly.

Third, you may never hear about "different pond different fish". Every country has their own rules and laws and we have to respect. Let's not jump into another country, let's talk about another region or province which implement different policies. Why don't you just take the same stance when it comes to different countries that you barely know about them even for a damn thing?

This era of evolving innovation in technology, we are so blessed as everything gets easier to get done. We can stay updated within a blink of an eye about almost everything. Social media plays a major role in our daily lives. Maybe you use your mouth less nowadays, but please control your big mouth in mind and fingers so, in case you cannot use it for good, maybe you just "mute" it while thinking what good things may come from your writings. You may say something degrading upon someone else, but in the end, you're only degrading yourselves.

And forget about LGBT issues to get addressed and solved. With those kind of thought, it's very challenging to settle and step forward just like the other countries have been doing. 


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