Happy Birthday, Lady Gaga!
This one single post is dedicated to say "Happy Birthday" to Lady Gaga.
Love, respect, and NOH8,
One of the Little Monsters
"Free Woman": Lagu self-empowerment dari album Lady Gaga "Chromatica"
Banyak hal mengejutkan di album Chromatica yang dirilis pertengahan tahun 2020. Lady Gaga menyuguhkan beat yang mengingatkan dengan nuansa disko tahun 80-90an. Dengan sentuhan Eurodance di track-nya, Chromatica menjadi satu paket penyemangat di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Namun, yang juga menarik perhatian adalah lirik lagu-lagu di album Chromatica yang penuh dengan pesan penyemangat, kesetaraan gender dan pastinya selebrasi. Salah satunya adalah lagu yang berjudul Free Woman.
Track kelima dari Chromatica ini memiliki lirik yang menekankan kebebasan akan beban berat dan rasa percaya diri. Menurut Lady Gaga lagu ini berkisah tentang perjalanannya melewati masa sulit ketika mengalami pelecehan seksual. Ia menyatakan
"Saya mengalami pelecehan seksual oleh seorang produser musik. (Kejadian) itu memperburuk pendapat saya tentang kehidupan, pendapat tentang dunia, pendapat tentang industri (musik), apa yang saya miliki untuk berdamai dan melewati ini semua sampai pada titik saya berada sekarang. Saya harus menerimanya. Dan ketika saya akhirnya bisa merayakannya, saya berkata, "Tahu nggak sih? Saya tidak akan bilang kalau saya itu penyintas atau seorang korban kekerasan seksual. Saya hanya seorang yang bebas yang telah melewati kejadian-kejadian yang sangat buruk."
Baris pertama
"I walk the downtown, hear my sound"
Memiliki arti saat dia melewati masa-masa tidak mudah. Dan hanya dia yang tahu. Dia mencoba memahami dirinya.
Bagian yang paling saya suka adalah di chorus:
Apapun yang terjadi (dengan diri), rasa yakin dan self-esteem lah yang akan menguatkan diri kita sendiri. Apalagi pada bagian "If I don't get a man" yang menyiratkan untuk tidak bergantung pada bersama dengan seseorang, bahwa hubungan itu tidak semata-mata sebagai kekasih yang bisa membuat kita hampa tanpanya.
Yang saya suka selanjutnya adalah saat ia menyanyikan bagian
Yang menurut saya bukti integritas Lady Gaga dan dedikasinya kepada musik dan cita-cita (hal-hal besar) yang ingin ia wujudkan melalui musik. Apapun yang telah terjadi yang menimpanya selama berkarir. Ini berlanjut pada bagian
Dukungan dan solidaritas yang akhirnya bisa saling menguatkan. Lagu ini meskipun berjudul Free Woman tapi maksud lagu ini universal dan pastinya lintas gender. Dengan beat club era 90an, pesan positif lagu ini dapat tersampaikan dengan nuansa selebrasi. Penekanan I'm a free woman dan repetitif di bagian akhir lagu seakan berkata "bangga telah dapat melewatinya."
My "Songs of 2016"
Grammy 2015: Winners Prediction
Best New Artist
Winner prediction: Sam Smith
Song Of The Year
Album Of The Year
Winner Prediction: X by Ed Sheeran
Record Of The Year
Winner Prediction:
It's very difficult but my prediction and expectation goes to Sia's Chandelier. That's all.
---Additional--- Best Pop Vocal Album
It's only prediction, anyway. So, let's see who win on February 8 next week.
And the Grammy goes to...

1. Brave by Sara Bareilles for Best Pop Solo Performance.
I'm pretty sure she will grab the trophy. There is Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake, Katy Perry and Lorde. What makes it interesting is that Katy's Roar is just so similar as Sara's Brave. I'm not sure about Katy as the track record shows she's been nominated for many many times and it seems like it's enough to her. About the rest? Well, Lorde is exceptional. her album is overall critically positive so it is likely to her to win in this category.
2. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis for Best New Artist.
They are one of the biggest artist of 2013, just right after Miley Cyrus (but in a different sense, of course). "Same Love" is huge! The other nominees? Well, only one person I have no idea: Kendrick Lamar. All I know about Lamar is the one hooking up with the Kardashians. LOL.
3. Locked Out Of Heaven for Song of The Year.
This is the most exciting category of all! Locked Out Of Heaven is another best song by Bruno Mars since Grenade in 2010. What a long time to wait! Royals, Roar, and Pink's Just Give Me A Reason is a bunch of great songs. But, I'm not really sure, AGAIN, about Katy Perry's Roar. Same Love is powerful hit and I will not be surprised if it takes the Grammy.
4. The Heist for Album of The Year
Personally, I prefer Daft Punk's Random Access Memories. I mean, those crazy helmet aliens spread the new viral funkiness. Their music's just sick! Swift's Red? Mmm....maybe but I think Swift's music are up and down. I mean, sometimes it sounds so intense and mature but most time sounds more teenager and more teenager. Okay, T-swifts, just give the other people a shot for Grammy. No monopoly. What about Kendrick Lamar? Again, I have NO idea. Kim, could you give us any clue? (He's not a baller, please!!! LOL)
5. Locked Out Of Heaven for Record of The Year.
This is the ultimate category anybody won't miss. Blurred Lines reigned the summer charts. Get Lucky is aired everyday until now. Radioactive led the band to the fame! What a breakthrough! And Royals, may the Lorde be with you, Grammy (She's highly likely to win this category!!!)
Celebrity Who's OUT and You Know What, They're Off the Hook!

He's maybe the hottest inter-galaxy man ever. The Star Trek's Spock came out of the closet in 2011 and once was in relationship with actor (I do not know his name. Just google it you'll find out, trust me!) then split. Sad!
6 Gaga's Hottest Hits!
6. Telephone (featuring Beyonce Knowles)

Carly's Take A Picture: Another Summer Hits!
With boy wonder
Hold tight
To me all summer
Reading my magazines
Dancing in my blue jeans
Pucker up in sunglasses
Making love to the flashes
Posing the way that we do for everybody to see
Polaroid through your lashes
Only thing that will last is
I take a picture of you taking a picture of me
I take a picture of you taking a picture of me
I take a picture of you taking a picture of me
Tomorrow always happens too soon
I wish I had an electric moon
To save the light
And night streamers
Baby blue
With the day dreamers
Under water
Close to me
Hold my breath
In my blue jeans
Pucker up in sunglasses
Making love to the flashes
Posing the way that we do for everybody to see
Polaroid through your lashes
Only thing that will last is
I take a picture of you taking a picture of me.
Songs Of the Year 2012
But that's not why I love you
And I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you
Being you
Just you
Yeah the reason I love you is all that we've been through
And that's why I love you
Songs of the Year: 2012 The Chronicle
Lagu ini mengingatkanku pada nenekku. Beliau meninggal awal Maret 2012. Aku merasa kehilangan sekali dengan kepergiannya. Beliau meninggal karena stroke yang dideritanya selama lebih dari setahun. Aku masih ingat dulu kalau mau berangkat sekolah aku selalu salim-cium pipi kanan-cium pipi kiri dan dahi nenekku. Bahkan sampai aku kuliah pun kalau aku pulang ke Batu masih saja salim-cium pipi kanan-cium pipi kiri-dahi. Banyak hal yang kita lewati. Sudahlah, let it just linger in my mind. Moreover, ini kan recap lagu OST of my life, bukan cerita berjudul 'Nenekku'. Buat nenekku, I'll be missing you!
'I've tried playing it cool, but when I'm looking at you (wahai, para dosen penguji!), I can't ever be brave, coz you make my heart race'
Bulan Juni setelah sidang skripsi, aku mengikuti NUEDC di STIKES Bali. Lumayan lah. Ke Bali gratis. Tapi jangan berharap lebih dari sesuatu yang gratis, karena kemungkinannya seperti undian berhadiah. Perjalanan Jember-Bali itu tidak singkat dan tidak menyenangkan. Bayangkan, aku berangkat jam 4 sore dan tiba on the spot (Hotel Fave, Seminyak) jam setengah 5 pagi, satu jam sebelum acara dimulai (setidaknya, itu yang tertulis di rundown). Wajar dong kalau aku berharap perjalanan –yang durasinya sebelasduabelas dengan waktu kerja buruh FoxConn, berasa ilegal di negeri sendiri karena hampir dilempar kembali ke pesisir Jawa oleh petugas pelabuhan Gilimanuk gara-gara KTP-ku kadaluarsanya keterlaluan, sampai salah naik 'taksi mafia' yang argometernya malah kayak visualisasi bar di Winamp ketimbang nunjukin bill secara TRANSPARAN yang WAJIB diketahui penumpang—ini berakhir indah di Hotel Fave nanti. Mungkin roommate-ku nanti lumayan banyak, 3 orang mungkin (boleh!), dari daerah-daerah lain, salah satu ada yang menarik. New friends, fresh air. Tapi, undian berhadiah tetaplah undian berhadiah. Roommate-ku cuma satu orang, dan. . . . . . .dia. . . . . . .sedikit. . . . . . . . .mengapung. Ketika dia bukain pintu kamar, he said “Dah lama nunggu (di depan pintu)?” I said "Hey! Kamu (la~gi!)" Hey, I (just) met you. And this is crazy. Jangan berharap lebih dari sesuatu yang gratis.
Six Degrees of Separation by The Script
You've watched the shows,
What's the best way no one knows, yeah,
Meditate, get hypnotized.
Anything to take from your mind.
But it won't, ohhhh ohhh
You're doing all these things out of desperation,
Ohhh ohhh,
You're going through six degrees of separation.
You hit the drink, you take a toke
Watch the past go up in smoke.
Fake a smile, yeah, lie and say that,
You're better now than ever, and your life's okay
When it's not. No.
You're doing all these things out of desperation,
Ohhh ohhh,
You're going through six degrees of separation.
First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, Is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have fucked up a little
(Oh no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself)
(No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself)
You tell your friends, yeah, strangers too,
Anyone who'll throw an arm around you, yeah
Tarot cards
Gems and stones,
Believing all that shit is gonna heal your soul.
Well it's not, wohhhh
You're only doing things out of desperation,
Ohhh ohhh,
You're goin' through six degrees of separation.
First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, Is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have fucked up a little
No there's no starting over,
Without finding closure, you'd take them back,
No hesitation,
That's when you know you've reached the sixth degree of separation
No there's no starting over,
Without finding closure, you'd take them back,
No hesitation,
That's when you know you've reached the sixth degree of separation
First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, Is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have fucked up a little