2014 Golden Globes: Expectation & Prediction

Just one more day to reveal who's gonna go home with the trophy in hand. Everyone loves Awards Season for sure. Kicked off with People's Choice and ended up with the Academy later the end of February. But now, let's warm it up with Golden Globes hot list! Check it out!

Best Motion Picture Drama
Expectation: Gravity
Prediction: Gravity

When it comes to best motion picture, like it or not, there must be something vision-ably dazzling to take count (not to mention the idea of story line, OF COURSE, and many other things). And Gravity did it very well. This 90 minute outer space theme drama successfully pull out the zero gravity effect on the big screen. And everybody flied.

Best Actor in Motion Picture Drama
Expectation: Chiwetel Ejiofor
Prediction: Chiwetel Ejiofor

What makes different between drama and any other genre of movies is that those involving in the scene looked more real and straight to reality (though surely, there's some part of dramatization, still). The characters are intense. Captain Phillips's Tom Hanks rules bu I'm not so sure. The movie is a quite one but 12 Years A Slave's Chiwetel showed us, through his role as Solomon (I do not know the last name or maybe the first name?), how 19th Century was a a HARD time for black people as slavery was deemed as okay and cruelty and bad things towards them is, somehow, okay. This is a VERY good movie as it remains us the split between those supporting slavery and Abolitionists in America, and Chiwetel was just ....great in the movie.

Bestt Actress in Motion Picture Drama
Expectation: Sandra Bullock
Prediction: Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock deserves the trophy. First, because it is Sandra Bullock. Second, any other thing. I mean, if she wins the nod then we see how visualization is A MAJOR ELEMENT to its characters involved. 

Best Director - Motion Picture 
Expectation: Alfonso Quaron
Prediction: Steve McQueen

This is a little bit confusing. I mean, all the movies in this nomination has its own "exceptional thing", but one for sure, as most of the movies are based on true story, so, we'll see which one of them has showed us best their best angle in adopting a story (not to mention there is Captain Phillips and American Hustle. Confusing).

Best Animated Feature Film
Expectation: Frozen
Prediction: Frozen

There is Despicable Me 2 and The Croods, but I choose Frozen. The first two movie looks similar at a glance (I mean, the animation. Lol). I have no idea how to give a critic/comment whatsoever when it comes to animated movie, as it's, somehow, it's not my area at all. I mean, there must be something (technological) that counts for a movie so it deserves winning in this category. Frozen is a not bad movie afterall. And the frozen summer is the "coolest" story line.

So what's your prediction?


How To Burn Belly Fat

What's your New Year's Resolutions? Going to Bali or Lombok? Diving in Aceh's Sabang? Buying new gadget? Well, for me, the first and most urgent thing to do is to lose my belly fat. SERIOUSLY! I mean, OH MY GOODNESS this is a disaster! How could you just stare at the mirror and all you see is your tummy is getting bigger uncontrollably? 

This is what my tummy looks like now!

Well, here's the thing. Every time I look at my tummy, I feel like I'm not ready for heart attack anytime soon. I got so distressed. And every time I got myself in this kind of situation, I tend to eat more than I used to. Like, you know, disorder. The only possible thing to happen is I keep on eating, and more and there is apparently so hard for a way out of this belly fat mess. It's a satanic spiral.

So, earlier this year, I have to lose my belly fat in any possible way. Here are things I possibly do (fyi, I do not like any kind of sports or exercise actually):

1. Drink more water
Maybe it's a very simple thing to do but in this 21st Century people get used to drink anything soda or isotonic or anything sweet and tasty. But you know what, drinking plain water helps our metabolism. I mean, how water can fasten the burning of fat in our body. Most importantly, it helps us much when we're craving at night and we know we can eat for the shake of ... okay health. Well...

2. Do squats. 
I've got the tips in an article: "Stand with your feet 8-9 inches apart, extend your arms in front of you and squat your hips backward. Do four sets of 15 to 20 squats, working several minutes at a time." Hope it works.

3. Run Run Run!
This is exhausting. I will do it any way (not really running fast like professional sprinter in Olympics). Or okay, let's make it rational: WALK WALK WALK!

4. Sauna
I don't know whether this can burn the fat in my tummy instead of just get my body sweaty. But I like sauna anyway. Maybe I can do some improvisations in sauna room to burn more calories!

5. Eat Well and Heathy
Regardless of whatever exercise you've done as long as you eat garbage, your tummy will keep being a garbage can. Seriously. So I have to figure out the kind of food I CAN eat (I believe it's more difficult than kosher-non kosher diet), the size (portion), and the timing. 

6. Anything possible
Well,besides those things above, I will do anything else possible to say bye to my belly fat. I can swim now so I will do it every week to burn calories. And, one more thing, I will do Kayaking as I just LLLLLLOVE it. It keeps me healthy afterall so I will do it.

So, anybody can share some tips how to address this belly fat distress?


Gravity: When Life In Space Is Nearly Impossible!

I watched it two days ago and I was like losing my breath every five minutes. I mean, how could you strive to stay alive in space with a very limited oxygen and things were getting messed up at the same time?

Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock), a NASA mission specialist is on duty with Matt Kowalsky (George Clooney) in space craft, 600 miles above the Earth. In the first scene of the movie we will see Ah-mazing view of the Earth from above. INDEED, IT'S BEAUTIFUL!

The tension begins when there is a report from mission controller on Earth that Russian satellites have been demolished and the ruins will affect their work and maybe threaten their safety as they'll hit everything they pass by in thousand miles per hour speed. They're like in rush to stop the mission but it's too late as the ruins drench in like hell and the capsules and everything inside got wrecked. Dr. Ryan and Kowalsky are those who survive. The capsule is over, they are tossed around in space. The only way out to stay alive and get back down to Earth is to reach International Space Station. The scenario is they have to reach the ISS and take a capsule (Soyuz) there and launch to Tiangong, Chinese space station then they get down back to Earth.

It's like when you let a bad luck in, you'll have to let all bad lucks in. I mean, on the way they approach the ISS, something happen and have Kowalsky let himself get lost in space and leave Dr. Ryan Stone the only one survivor. Alright, now she's dealing with the fact that any kind of telecommunication doesn't work, the oxygen level is so limited that she has to push the time, the ISS is technically worsened and most importantly, she alone! She gets so stressed out by the situation she's up against. She never practically operates the capsule before so she has to look at the manual.

She has to chase after the time as the fuel is coming to its lowest level and the Tiangong is highly influenced by gravity if she wants stay alive and get back down. This is crucial and tense as she's into the Earth's atmosphere. Everything is possible to happen. And in space, there is no any other way to get out.

This movie is terrifically awesome! The story line and visualization works. But, there is something tickling, like how some scientists criticize the fact regarding the orbit line and the political issue. I mean, we can see how in the movie the Chinese space station plays significant role in the last scene of the movie. Overall, this movie is inspiring to everyone to know more about the space above us and explore what's beyond. Amazing.
