Gravity: When Life In Space Is Nearly Impossible!

I watched it two days ago and I was like losing my breath every five minutes. I mean, how could you strive to stay alive in space with a very limited oxygen and things were getting messed up at the same time?

Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock), a NASA mission specialist is on duty with Matt Kowalsky (George Clooney) in space craft, 600 miles above the Earth. In the first scene of the movie we will see Ah-mazing view of the Earth from above. INDEED, IT'S BEAUTIFUL!

The tension begins when there is a report from mission controller on Earth that Russian satellites have been demolished and the ruins will affect their work and maybe threaten their safety as they'll hit everything they pass by in thousand miles per hour speed. They're like in rush to stop the mission but it's too late as the ruins drench in like hell and the capsules and everything inside got wrecked. Dr. Ryan and Kowalsky are those who survive. The capsule is over, they are tossed around in space. The only way out to stay alive and get back down to Earth is to reach International Space Station. The scenario is they have to reach the ISS and take a capsule (Soyuz) there and launch to Tiangong, Chinese space station then they get down back to Earth.

It's like when you let a bad luck in, you'll have to let all bad lucks in. I mean, on the way they approach the ISS, something happen and have Kowalsky let himself get lost in space and leave Dr. Ryan Stone the only one survivor. Alright, now she's dealing with the fact that any kind of telecommunication doesn't work, the oxygen level is so limited that she has to push the time, the ISS is technically worsened and most importantly, she alone! She gets so stressed out by the situation she's up against. She never practically operates the capsule before so she has to look at the manual.

She has to chase after the time as the fuel is coming to its lowest level and the Tiangong is highly influenced by gravity if she wants stay alive and get back down. This is crucial and tense as she's into the Earth's atmosphere. Everything is possible to happen. And in space, there is no any other way to get out.

This movie is terrifically awesome! The story line and visualization works. But, there is something tickling, like how some scientists criticize the fact regarding the orbit line and the political issue. I mean, we can see how in the movie the Chinese space station plays significant role in the last scene of the movie. Overall, this movie is inspiring to everyone to know more about the space above us and explore what's beyond. Amazing.


Dae Jang Geum: Korean Food in Batam

Bibimbap tastes great!

It's not about Korean Drama or anything like that. It's more about Korean food restaurant in Batam where you can satisfy your gastronomical desire! Well, I went to Dae Jang Geum again last Saturday night, and chilled out with my peers there. It was fun as you know, Korean food are somehow are unfamiliar to most of us. At least, some of the menu. Alright, let's go to the table for the dish.

We had Bibimbap, Ramen noodle (Mie Ramen), Korean Sushi and 3 bowls of rice on the table, that's it! Maybe you will say "What? That's it?" as we were 7 persons gathering and craving at the same time. Just so you know that Korean food is a big family portion. I ordered Bibimbap, Korean tea and rice. My friends ordered Korean Sushi, Mie Ramen, Bibimbap and another Bibimbap and another rice along with it. After 20 minutes of waiting, the condiment was served. There were kimchi and the other 5 things I don't even know what it is. It' okay anyway. Only 3 of us apparently like kimchi like very bad. The rest said it tasted different. When they asked me why I liked kimchi so much I just said as it tasted good even though it's rotten vegetable and they're just like "....okay....".

Some moment later was time for the pancake. I think, it was the most "making sense" dish for all of us as it tasted familiarly Indonesian, even for Korean food with NATIVE Korean Chef working on it. Now let's go to Bibimbap.

After searching in Wikipedia, it's said that Bibimbap is "mixed rice". It is served as a bowl of warm white rice topped with namul (sautéed and seasoned vegetables) and gochujang (chilli pepper paste). A raw or fried egg and sliced meat (usually beef) are common additions. The ingredients are stirred together thoroughly just before eating.

Yes, that's what laid right before my eyes on the table. There were mushrooms and the other kinds of "green", carrot (?), mushrooms, nori (seaweed), and they covered the rice (cold rice, not hot rice) underneath, with the fried egg on it's peak. Not to mention the paste that was served on a separated plate. All we have to do was just to stir and mix it all like crazy before eating. You can add the paste if you like but I don't recommend it (it's weird). Maybe the proverb saying that "When the people is craving they will even eat garbage" is right. I mean, it looks so much like garbage, but this one is a delicious garbage. Next!

Korean sushi is GOOD! I mean, the sticky rice with crab inside and the nori wrapping up. It's just gone less than 10 minutes. Like Godzilla found fish! You gotta try!

The Mie Ramen is more like any other ordinary instant noodle. But it's much much much bigger portion! All is just the same. I mean, like, you eat 5 Indomie at once. That's it!

Anyway, it was fun having some quality time with friends with good dishes.

Sure I'm gonna come back again for more delicious Korean food.


Explore Batam's Princess Island: Indonesia's Frontier In The World's Busiest Waters

The Frontier island of Indonesia

Have you ever heard Princess Island aka Pulau Putri? It's not Pulau Putri in Kepulauan Seribu (Thousands islands) in Northern Jakarta, instead, it's the frontier island in Singapore Straits, between Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia's Johor Bahru.

I went there yesterday afternoon, just right before sunset and it was amazing! It's only 5 minutes away from Batam's Nongsa. You can reach the island less than 10 minutes from Nongsa on boat. You do not need to worry as the wave is just good (not rough waters) so it'll be joyful. We started the trip from Nongsa and we took a boat for 6 persons. It's less than 5 minutes were on boat. However, we have to take a walk for about 50 meters to get the shore as the tide was at its lowest. Anyway, it was fun. Once you get there, you'll find yourself like stranded. I mean, okay, there is a lighthouse but that's the only thing on the island, plus, a wrecked dumped ship. Yes, a wreck!

Pulau Putri is in Indonesia's territory. The island is just 50 meters in length and 30 meters in width. It seemed like there's 3 different island in Pulau Putri. When the tide is low, you can reach the next island on foot and there is another tiny island in the northernmost. When the tide is high, the rest two islands will be flooded by waters and look like a floating green.

I really wanted to go up to the peak of the watch tower but it was not allowed. So sad. Anyway, you could see and enjoy the sunset and have Singapore view (silhouette of the Harbor Front and the Marina Bay Sands) and it was beautiful! Not only is it. You can see Nongsa Point Marina in the North-East (it looked like a heaven in disguise!), Batam Centre in the South-East, and of course, Malaysia's Johor. As The Straits is one of the busiest strait in the world so lots of cargo ships just pass by like all the time. It's such a busy strait indeed.

Nothing much we can find in the island. There is only a food stall that operates in the certain time. A wreckage of a ship, and local settlement. I mean, the guards placed in the island. You know, it's a frontier island so there is patrol by marine guards sometimes. Afterall, it was a beautiful moment when we can--at least--see the life in the frontier. Not really felt isolated or something, it's just...different...and exciting!


Mengatasi Rasa Bosan Di Tempat Kerja


Belum berapa jam kita masuk kantor kok bawaannya pengen tidur aja ya? Udah berasa mati bosan sampe ngantuk-ngantuk. Nah, ini nih yang bikin kerja kita mundur, regress, dan produktivitas menurun. Banyak sekali, mungkin nggak hanya saya saja yang merasakannya. Terlepas kita bekerja di bidang apa, di kantor mana, anything, yang namanya semangat positif itu harus tetap dijaga, kalau bisa semakin ditingkatkan. Harus lah!!!

Nah, sedikit curhat aja gimana sih ngatasin rasa bosan ketika lagi kerja? Well, let's just...start!

What is boredom actually?
Boredom (kebosanan) sendiri sebenarnya adalah rasa jenuh yang muncul akibat kita yang sudah sangat terbiasa dengan pekerjaan dan lingkungan kerja. Jadi, nggak ada yang namanya bosan kalau kita masih dalam masa adaptasi atau malah nggak cocok dengan lingkungan kerja kita. Rasa antusias or curiousity pada hal-hal yang baru (like it or not) akan memacu kita untuk berpikir, menganalisa dan bertindak sehingga tanpa kita sadari kita menikmatinya. As the time goes by, however, rutinitas (yang berawal dari curiousity, then being repeated again in the same way) seperti itulah yang nantinya membuat kita stuck. Why? Karena kita sudah nyaman dengan pekerjaan dan lingkungan kerja dan akhirnya bosan deh. 

Okay, I'm bored. Then what?
Karena sudah menjadi rutinitas, pekerjaan bisa diselesaikan dengan lebih cepat. Tapi, ada orang-orang yang cenderung meremehkan pekerjaan dengan bersikap "Ya udah, nanti saja. Gampang kan." And it's no good, at all. Instead of working on the daily things (or maybe one two new things), we are so busy console ourselves or whatever it is to avoid boredom. It's no good. 

First thing first: Priority!
Kita masuk office, hal pertama yang harus kita prioritaskan adalah pekerjaan. I mean, selama kita bisa selesaikan pekerjaan secepat mungkin kenapa harus dilama-lamain hanya karena kita bosan dan kita sudah terbiasa dengan pekerjaan itu? Padahal, semakin cepat pekerjaan selesai, semakin banyak waktu yang bisa kita manfaatkan untuk hal-hal lain. Misal, belajar bahasa (enhancing our linguistic skills for better communication with clients), baca dokumen-dokumen, atau mungkin sekedar browsing di internet. Terserah. Intinya, kita selesaikan pekerjaan dulu, baru miscellaneous. Who knows, ketika kerjaan sudah selesai ternyata ada hal-hal yang missing, ato mungkin ada masalah lain yang tidak diduga-duga. kalau pekerjaan sudah selesai, we can allocate time to those things possible. Bayangkan saja, kalau kita keep being under boredom, leave the works undone, then suddenly the problems come. Hello? Anyone here???!!! I NEED HELP! You gotta get soooooo panic and messed up, everything. And most importantly, you waste the time. The things undone. Much more problem then.

Banyak hal yang bisa kita explore di manapun kita berada, dan tempat kerja bukan pengecualian. Keep positive, itu pasti. Mungkin dengan banyaknya waktu luang di office, kita bisa belajar skill yang lain dan meningkatkan skill kita yang sudah ada. Make it fast and take the rest!


6 Gaga's Hottest Hits!

The 2013 Video Music Awards had just passed, but all the moments then stroke the world until today. How Miley's Twerking performance became a HUGE sensation that Oxford finally added the "twerk" into its latest. And, most importantly, the stars were just coming back, set to hit the stage! From Justin Timberlake and N'Sync reunion to the one-and-only lovely Mother Monster Lady Gaga.

Well, here I wanna take a flash recap of the 6 Gaga's hottest hits ever since her 2008 rise & shine until her latest's Applause previously performed in 2013 VMAs. Little Monsters, paws up!

6. Telephone (featuring Beyonce Knowles)

This is the most successful collaboration hit single EVER. This song led Gaga grab Moon-man in 2010, and it's not surprising then, I mean, with her 13 nods in Video Music Awards and the whole world apparently went Gaga! The epic long music video is just SICK!

5. You & I
This song is taken from Born This Way Album (2011). This song is about her love-life with her Nebraska guy.  The song is quite nice, with the Western-twist and the crazy Gaga's collision. iAnd the most striking of all is she appeared in the video as two different characters which (seemed like and it was confirmed) were her"self" and Joe Calderon, her "alter-ego." Just take a look at the pic. Who knows that the smoking macho man is Stefani Germanotta?

4. Just Dance
The song is the starting point Gaga hit the stage of pop culture. It was released in 2008 and became world-wide hit! This song was nominated for Best Dance Recording in 2009 Grammy Awards and all around the world people stated being Little Monsters.

3. Poker Face
This song won Grammy for Best Dance Recording in 2010. The video offers the viewers hunks! Full of hunks! Seriously! With her iconic outfit and poses and choreography and dance and the beat and stuffs! You gotta love the song and the video, like a lot! This song also gave Gaga Moonman as the Best New Artist in 2009 VMA. Overall, this is a GOOD JOB!

2. Born This Way
Born this way is the warming-up hits taken from Born This Way Album. Release on February 2011, this song debut reached #1 in Billboard Hot 100 for the consecutive 6 weeks! This song won 2011 VMAs for Best Music Video With Message and Best Female Video. personally, I love this song so much as it was soooooo me. It was all about me! :)

1. Bad Romance
This song was like a sign of the climax of Gaga's domination. This took 2 Grammys in 2011 and led her to the historic 13 nominations in 2010 Video Music Awards. The music video's just futuristic! And classy! This proved how musicality with genius can result such a massive successful hits and positive influence to express freely without any judgement.

Elysium: The Future of the Earth

Let's skip the unrecommended sequel of The Percy Jackson. Let's fast forward to the year 2154 and jump high to the sky to Elysium. Yes, this movie is such a must-see one. At first time you see the first scene, you'll think that the movie is another manifestation of revolutionary idea we once found in District 9 the movie. Yup, this is from the director of District 9 and the movie's just like "Good job!". There's something more behind the idea of Elysium, but let's go to the story first.

Los Angeles, 2154 AD
The Earth is over populated and over polluted. The Tinseltown base becomes like a slump-chaotic-overpopulated city where the poor, pollution, radiation and strives collide. The rich people have moved to space where Elysium, a new exclusive environmentally habitat was built miles away above the Earth. Unlike the Earth, the Elysium offers human being ageless, curability-from-any-disease life. Thus, under the Secretary of Homeland Security Delacourt Rhodes (Jodie Foster), the Elysium puts a very exclusive strict immigration law regarding the man flow especially for those from the Earth. In the meantime though, Secretary Delacourt has a principle disputes with President Patel and she plans to knock him down and overtake the seat. She commands Carlyle, a billionaire and agent Kruger to smooth her plan.

Max de Costa (Matt Damon) who had work accident, has to strive and do whatever it takes to keep himself alive. The only way out of this issue is none other than going up, to Elysium, where there's a medicine capsule and he'll get back to life. He then goes to Spider, a cyber crime master who tries his best to hijack the Elysium system. Then, the deal is made up. Max trades with Spider for his ticket to Elysium, as he's only got less than 5 days to live. Spider wants him to "steal" the data from one of the Elysium's billionaire's brain and give it to him. And guess what's on Max mind? His boss, Carlyle. That's when the conflicts start...rolling.

They carry out the mission. They hijack Carlyle's capsule on his way up to Elysium, they steal the data, and they kill him. What a dangerous thing they've done. Knowing the Carlyle's death, Delacourt commands agent Kruger to hunt the killers. The fight between Max and Kruger is inevitable. The agent wants the data to reboot the system of in Elysium and smooth Delacourt's mission to take over the presidential seat. Max wants the data as it's the only way to get the ticket to Elysium. Spider wants the data as he wants to hijack the system so that everybody can go to Elysium. In the end of the story, I bet you'll get MOVED by as Max is doing something way beyond he EVEN EVER can imagines.

The issue behind the story:
Neill Blomkamp, who previously directed District 9, has done a good job for this movie. The social and political issue is rightly blended with the imaginary futuristic dream world. The exclusiveness of Elysium reminds us on the immigrant issue in the United States, particularly, and the West developed nations in a wider scope. We can see it in the character of Delacourt which is firm and strict in dealing with the immigrant issue for the shake of the state, and in the end, for the shake of the people. Migrant workers and other kinds of immigrants have become s serious problem in the developed countries as they have to maintain social stability (in avoiding any possible clash between immigrant and local citizens), meanwhile, the migrant workers offers the cheap labors for employers. That's what happens in the US nowadays, especially in the border states like California. It can be seen on how Neill depicts the 2154 Los Angeles which is fulled of Spanish-speaking (Hispanic) people. As we all know, most migrants coming to the US are from the neighboring countries, mostly Mexico. Elysium also represents how health care are so costly that some people cannot just afford their medical treatment. As, basically, people, regardless whoever they are, have the same right for health care. After all, this movie outstandingly delivers a quite story line and it's just off the hook!


Explore Batam: Tanjung Piayu's Kampung Tua's Seafood-Heaven-In-Disguised!

Forget about Nagoya with its night clubs, shopping malls or whatsoever there is.

First thing first you have to seize (the moment) when you're in Batam is enjoying Barelang Bridge (so sad that I haven't even been there yet!), the icon of the island. But, you know what, there is another perfect getaway destination for your gastronomical desire. It's about 20 minutes southward from Kepri Mall and do not worry as it is money worth it. Okay, let's start the journey from Kepri Mall. Instead of going straight ahead if we go to Nagoya from Batu Besar, we turn left in Kepri Mall intersection. After about 3 miles away we'll find another junction and we turn left and down the road until the edge of the island (Kampung Tua Tanjung Piayu, Batam). The road condition is a little bit worse in 500 meters away from the place. Along the way there you will see the iconic Barelang Bridge on the other side of the island on the right and sea on the left. So, we're down the way southern-ward to the peninsula. I recommend you to go there in the daytime or afternoon just before the sunset as there will be WAY more beautiful view you can see. 

I don't know the name of the seafood restaurant as it is like, you know, traditional right-above-the-sea restaurant and I went there in the evening. We were like 20 persons and the total cost we had to pay was ONLY IDR1,000,000.00 (USD100 for 20 PERSONS! 5 BUCKS EACH!) and you know what, LOTS OF THINGS! Crabs (a buch of crabs!!!), shrimps, sauteed kale, gong-gong (a kind of seafood snail cooked with its shell and it tasted simple, natural and delicious!), buckets of rice, Lebam fish (with spicy dressing), coconut (a whole coconut and a straw attached just like summer time), sambal,  even though sadly the fried-crispy-cuttle fish were sold out, but still, delicious!

While you're waiting the dish to come, you can enjoy the islands view just outside the restaurant. You can chill out in a--let say--mini dock and see the islands spread out there. It took a little bit long time until the dish were served. I asked the local guy whether I can go around the tiny island (it's uninhabited!) but sadly it's evening. By the time the dish were served, all you're crave was like...paid off! Those things mentioned above just rushed on to the table and waited for your appetite!

One more thing to know is that there were many fish, I mean, Lebam fish below us. I saw a kid fishing, using a bait attached in a string and you know what, he got 2 fish in less than 5 minutes and I was like "Oh my God, how could he do it?"

Overall, it was a very memorable moment and you gotta try! Just take a look at pictures and you'll see. I mean, it's not a lux place. Instead, it's more like local people's housing that's set to be a restaurant but the seafood rocks like the hipsters in the downtown. Lol

Cheap Trip: Bali!

Pasti kalo lagi musim liburan pada bingung liburan enaknya ke mana ya? Barangkali ada yang bingung menentukan destinasi liburan plus akomodasi. Atau bingung karena kebetulan dompet lagi menipis tapi pengen tetap liburan dan have fun? Well, this time I wanna share the cheap-trip buat siapa saja yang ingin liburan tanpa harus ngerogoh kocek yang dalem buat transportasi ke tempat tujuan. Tujuan kita sekarang adalah Pulau Bali. So let’s just check it out.

Destination: Bali
Starting spot: Malang/Jember
Jaman sekarang moda transportasi dah banyak jenisnya dan juga bervariasi tarifnya. Ada yang murah, ada yang lumayan menguras kantong. Nah, kalau kita ingin ke Bali dari Malang, paling enak kita naik kereta api, which is kereta api Tawang Alun jurusan Malang-Banyuwangi Baru. Bisa berangkat dari stasiun Kota Lama ataupun Kota Baru. Harga tiketnya Cuma IDR18,500 (<USD2.00!!!), berangkat jam 14.30. Perjalanan dari Malang ke Banyuwangi sekitar delapan jam. Kita turun di stasiun Bayuwangi Baru, stasiun paling akhir di Banyuwangi. 

Kalau dari Jember, bisa naik kereta api Tawang Alun (jurusan Malang-Banyuwangi) yang berangkat sekitar jam tujuh malam, harga tiket IDR18,500 dan tiba di Banyuwangi sekitar jam sepuluh malam. Atau kalau ingin lebih hemat lagi, bisa naik kereta api Pandan Wangi jurusan Jember-Banyuwangi. Kereta api ini berangkat jam 15.30 WIB dan harga tiketnya Cuma IDR4,000 aja (39 CENTS!)!!! EMPAT RIBU RUPIAH!!! Kalau naik kereta ini kita tiba di Banyuwangi Baru jam 19.15. 

Stasiun Banyuwangi Baru dekat sekali dengan Pelabuhan Ketapang. Sekitar 220 yard (kurang lebih 200 meter). Kita jalan kaki saja ke Pelabuhan Ketapang untuk menyeberang. Ada beberapa opsi sebenarnya. Kita bisa naik bis dari pelabuhan ketapang (biasanya bisnya berhenti di depan Indomaret di jalan mau ke pelabuhan) atau kita menyeberang sendiri terus naik bus lokal ke Denpasar. 

Kalau kita naik bus sebelum menyeberang, kita bisa naik bus patas AC (tarif ekonomi). Tiketnya IDR30,000. Enaknya adalah kita gak perlu repot-repot beli tiket penyeberangan di pelabuhan. Tapi kita juga harus sabar menunggu busnya datang karena interval antar busnya lumayan lama. Kadang 15 menit sekali tapi kalau sudah malam bisa samapai 30-40 menit. Nggak enaknya adalah bus ini turun terminal Mengui (terminal baru) di Denpasar. Dari terminal ini kita bisa naik taksi (tapi bakalan mahal karena jaraknya jauh dari mana-mana) atau naik angkot lagi ke terminal Ubung (bayar IDR10,000).

Kalau kita menyeberang pake ship, kita Cuma harus ngerogoh kocek IDR6,000 aja (nyeberang dari Ketapang-Gilimanuk)!!! Dari Gilimanuk kita bisa naik bus lokal jurusan terminal Ubung Denpasar. Cuma IDR30,000. 

Setelah di terminal Ubung, terserah deh tujuannya ke mana. Mau ke Seminyak? Kuta? Legian? Nusa Dua? Ubud? Ada taxi...atau minta jemput’s coming up to you! Anyway, happy holiday!

Harga tiket KA Tawangalun (Malang-Jember-Banyuwangi): IDR18,500
Berangkat dari-tiba di: 14.30 Malang- 19.00 Jember-Banyuwangi Baru 22.00*
Harga tiket KA Pandanwangi (Jember-banyuwangi): IDR4,000
Brangkat dari-tiba di: 15.30 Jember-19.30 Banyuwangi Baru
Harga tiket penyeberangan Ketapang-Gilimanuk: IDR6,000
Harga tiket bus Ketapang-Mengui Denpasar: IDR30,000
Harga tiket bus Gilimanuk-Ubung Denpasar: IDR30,000

*:  depends on the amended time of departure and arrival as it is frequently conditionally amended.

The Peaks I've Ever Been

I'm gonna tell you about the nature. I bet you must've got what I mean if there is Peaks under the theme Nature. Yup, it's all about mountains. I would like to share what mounts I've ever been. Just so you know, all is in Java. And you will find the beauty of Java once you read this article. I wanna share my picture actually, but, sadly, the pictures were LOST like ^&*^%^$ and I was just so disappointed. Anyway, this is the true story so let's start the foot steps from the Eastern part of the Island.

Ijen Plateau 

I went there in 2006 and I was drop-dead excited! Ijen plateau has a sulfur crater and it is just....big! The smell of the sulfur. The gas, I mean, is so "unique but perilous". There is certain time the tourist can reach the peak and enjoy the crater. Usually in the morning and before noon and afternoon they cannot reach as the gas spread out like crazy so you'd better off stay away otherwise you'll dye slowly. Ijen plateau is located in Eastern part of the island. 2-3 hours from Jember (my journey then started from the small town). On the way there we will enjoy the coffee plantation, the cocoa plantation, lots of mango trees (every house has at least a dozen of mango trees. Even in grave yard there are mango trees! Bless for the dead!), monkeys, jungle, edelweiss, and the low temperature for sure. You know what, it was just at 6 in the evening and we could see the Milky Way in the sky. BEAUTIFUL! And DAMN COLD! My palm was like frozen and blue. You can stay in cottage or build your own tent. The crater can be reached on foot for about 45 minutes from the camp center. You can see deer and birds on the way there. The climb usually starts in the morning. Most of the visitors are from European countries.

Panderman Hill 
Located in East Java's tourism epicenter Kota Batu, small town with a huge exotic places to explore. The Panderman Hill is one of them. The hill is one of the Apple City's landmark, besides Mt. Arjuno. I've been there in 2009 and I spent 2 days 1 night to get to its peak. We built a camp the night before we started climbing to the peak. From the peak you can see:

1. Mt. Arjuno in the North-West
2. Mt. Semeru in the East
3. Mt. Kawi just right behind the hill.
4. the city view of Malang, Batu and the surrounding. Overall, it was beautiful!

Tangkuban Perahu
It's in West Java Province. The view of the crater is GORGEOUS! There is like traditional market where you can find souvenirs (from key-chains to like-Siberian-hat) and traditional sweets from Garut (a region in West Java) named Dodol Garut. Just like the previous ones, the temperature in Tangkuban Perahu is just as low as when the autumn strikes after the summer waved goodbye.
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But, trust me, all you'll see is like in the picture. Way more beautiful than in the picture. I couldn't even believe what I saw then was real and I was like "Oh my goodness! What the hell is right before my eyes here?!". Anyway, I have the picture of mine with my friends taken when I was there (the only photograph I could find. What the...) 

All the spots (the mounts) are accessible even in some cases, like in Ijen Plateau we will find it a little bit difficult as it is removED area and is for conservation. You can GET THE PACKAGE FOR FREE (camp in Ijen, rafting, visit Coffee plantation--there is LUWAK also!) since every year there is IJEN FESTIVAL held in Bondowoso (the nearest regency from Ijen Plateau). It is between June-July and the participants are from different countries. You can keep getting update by following their twitter of Facebook page (just google it. Haha). I once got the "golden ticket" to Ijen Festival but SADLY I HAD TO CANCEL MY PARTICIPATION AS I HAD MY THESIS TRIAL ON THE SAME WEEK. Bl**dy hell!

How to get to Panderman Hill? It's easy. Just go to Kota Batu (25 km north-westward from Malang, East Java) and you can charter the car to get you to the nearest village (I mean, the closest one to Panderman Hill). Then you start walking and walking through the pines woods, take a break and build a camp in the camp center (it's COLD but you can see falling stars! Pays off!) then you can start climbing in the early morning so you can have SUNSHINE ON ITS PEAK.

How to go to Tangkuban Perahu? You can charter a van from Bandung (the capital of West Java Province) to Lembang. Everybody knows what and where Tangkuban Perahu is, so, just be easy! :)

come over here and EXPLORE JAVA!

Just...Get It Over!

Get it over and move on!

That's what you should do when your relationship is over! Maybe you're crying and whining, and maybe you're fucked up like all the time. But don't let it get so long. You have to get out!

I don't recommend you to turn the huts you feel into hatred, as some people can move on after they feel the contrary of what they previously did. Some of them. But I don't want it happen to me at least. 

Do whatever that can ease off your pain. You can go out with friends, make friends and create your new atmosphere. Wipe out the haze of your ex over your new world. Or maybe you can hook up with someone you barely new. That will be relieving. As my friend once told me that basically everybody is "hungry", so get your self feed and you'll be fine. Trust me! I mean, I have no idea why it works (most times) but it does! It really works!


The Conjuring: A Must-See Based-On-True Story Horror Movie!

Like any other horror movie (Amytiville Horror and sorts of) this movie began with a family moving to country side in Rhode Island to a big cheap house. As you can guess, a big house with the cheap price means there is something wrong inside!

Carolyn and Roger Perron and their five girls moved to a country side and it all seemed like everything was fine, until a train of strange things happened. There were such bruised on Carolyn's body part. She was told that it's due to calcium deficiency but later on she'd find out the truth. The girls were haunted like every night. The clocks always stopped at 3.07 in the morning, music box with a kid,
and there was something wrong in the crypt. Concerning on what they're going through, Carolyn went ask Ed and Lorraine, a couple which were demonologists and dealing with exorcism, examining and other demonic stuff.

Lorraine told them that the area of the house were haunted by a demonic spirit named Bathsheba. Lorraine saw the kid named Rory and a women hanged in the backyard (they were all ghosts). SO CREEPY and things were getting worse! Bathsheba wanted to use Carolyn's body and get her killing her girls. 

Roger, Ed, Lorraine and their team had to work hard to evict Bathsheba out of Carolyn's body. Ed and Lorraine did exorcism and there was battle between demonic spirit and them. All was rushing like to  an end. Birds, so many birds, suddenly flied around and crashed the house. Carolyn screamed and shouted as hell as her body turns horrible. Crosses fell down and things were out of control. After those bad things, they finally could evict Bathsheba out of Carolyn's body.

Based on true story, this movie is a must-see! There are so many things we can learn from the movie, from science of the nature of spirit which some people are just skeptical with to how actually sincerity to help those needed will erase our dubiety of what we can actually do. This movie is horrible, but cool! Gotta watch!

My Ramadan Story: Chapter 3

Banyak banget yang bisa diomongin tentang Ramadan. Yang buka bareng teman lah, yang sahur on the road lah, yang batal puasa lah, yang belanja Lebaran lah. Banyak deh! Tapi, masih ingat nggak sih waktu kita SD dulu? Puasa waktu SD jauh berbeda dengan waktu kita SMA atau kuliah. Kalau kuliah kita mau sahur, silahkan. Mau buka jam delapan pagi, silahkan. Mau nggak makan seharian karena nggak punya duit juga silahkan. Kalau waktu SD semua serba diatur. "Agak" ribet karena kemana-mana harus bawa buku. Nah, what I'm talking about here is Buku Kegiatan Ramadan waktu kita SD dulu. Seperti apa sih? Push the button!

Buku kegiatan Ramadan adalah semacam buku saku yang isinya tentang APAPUN selama Ramadan dan WAJIB diisi setiap halamannya dan DITANDATANGANI atau kamu akan BERUJUNG SIAL.
What's in it actually? Lots of things! Mulai jadwal sholat lima waktu selama sebulan penuh, jadwal sholat Jumat selama Ramadan, jadwal taraweh, catatan ceramah bapak ustad sehabis solat subuh, catatan khotbah di masjid, sholat Ied, catatan khotbah sholat Ied, dan pastinya KOLOM TANDA TANGAN.

Jadi setiap kita selesai melakukan kegiatan apapun yang berhubungan dengan Ramadan, kolom tandatangan harus diisi. Entah itu oleh orang tua, pak ustad di masjid, pak ustad di musholla, siapa pun. Sehabis sholat, minta tanda tangan orang tua. Sehabis taraweh, minta tanda tangan pak ustad. Sehabis baca Al-Qur'an, ditulis dulu baca surat apa, dari ayat berapa sampe ayat berapa, dan ditandatangani oleh pak ustad. Hari Jumat, kita ke masjid dan mencatat materi khotbah yang disampaikan pak ustad, dan ditandatangani pak ustad. Lebaran day apa lagi. Ketika yang lain ngebet pulang buat ngumpul dan sungkem kita diharuskan ngantri minta tanda tangan ke pak ustad. Kok gak sekalian aja semua yang ngasih kita angpao dimintain tanda tangan. Maksudku, semua serba tanda tangan. Mungkin ini baik juga untuk anak SD membiasakan diri cari tanda tangan biar mereka nanti nggak kaget pas orientasi di high school kalau disuruh minta tanda tangan ke senior-senior.
Terlepas dari semua kerumitan yang ada di dalam buku Ramadan, sebenarnya tujuannya adalah untuk mendidik siswa menjadi disiplin sejak dini. Dan buku kegiatan tersebut merupakan pendekatan yang baik untuk membentuk pola pikir anak untuk selalu sistematis dan lebih menghargai waktu. The thing is, how could it work? I mean, when we're trying to make someone discipline (in terms of religious activities, in this case) in their early ages, in the meantime though we impose them and moreover, we make them scared as we intimidate them in any way? Well, I'm not sure it would. They will do it simply cause they're scared of the bad scores given by the teachers when they don't. Some even more getting worse. They manipulate it all. They cheat. And it is not the best way out, I believe. And I did it too, sometimes. I mean, regarding the book thing, for any reason.

What about your stories? :)


Oh, It's Just Love (AGAIN??!!)

Well, to be honest I'm just in love with someone which is my friend in my workplace.
I do not know why I love the person but I just can't deny this feeling.

Why am I so easy to fall for someone?
Why am I so easy to get this feeling?

I do not feel that I'm weak so that a little impression can even melt me down.
I think it's natural if we see someone, we get to know them, and there's something ii us that lead us to hope there is something between us, in the end.

Love is something we cannot control. It's the wildest thing ever that even God cannot make it tamed. I believe so. Love is a part of life that we have no power to handle, sometimes--if not most times. Love, death, and fortune are things we can't control. I do not want to blame anybody for what I've been through, I mean, in this case, love. If you ask me why, simple answer coming out is "I don't know". Like, seriously.

What I'm fear of is that how actually this kind of feeling will get the best of me in the end. And I don't wanna let it happen. I once got so much pain cause of it and I do not wanna do it, no more. I do not wanna get my self sink! Love is blind. Love is deaf. Love is anything destructive if we're drowning too deep in it and there is no way out for us to breathe. So, until when should I hold this feeling, in the meantime though I have to deal with any possibility?

Can anybody out there give me clue to get it all done? To get this "fixed"? I'm "mixed"!!!!!

Explore Batam: The Great Escape To Nongsa!

Batam is well-known as industrial center in Indonesia, the nearest island to the super busy neighboring Singapore. But do you know what makes it different to its neighbor? Yup! Batam has less polluted air than Singapore. My friends who went to Singapore often complain about the heat (sometimes reach 36 degrees) and since there is always traffic there so it's just crowded and people chase after the time. No relax lah!

Most of the foreign visitors coming to Batam are from Singapore and Malaysia since the distance is relatively short. It's only 40 minutes by ferry from Singapore to Batam and vise versa. There is an area in Batam that is the place of resorts. It is Nongsa.

There are several resorts in the area. Nongsa Point Marina, Batam View Beach Resort, Turi Beach and Palm Springs (for playing golf!) are some of the places you can escape to! With private beach and activities (land and sea sports, BBQ, partying, and stuffs!) the visitors will be pampered by the quiet, private, refreshing moments as what they just need after rushing for work along the weekdays. 

Craving for seafood? Just go to Kelong Seafood Restaurant (in Batam View Beach Resort). Overall, Nongsa is one of the best place to escape. The resorts with all facilities and activities and its inclusive beach is one of the the best with affordable price. 

The last, and maybe the crucial one. They accept US Dollar, Singapore Dollar and Indonesian Rupiah as transaction. There are money changers around the island. So, let's just escape!!!!

Next explore: Batam Central Business District!


My Ramadan Story: Chapter 1

Ramadan is coming! Everybody's just like in euphoria by the coming of Ramadan.I'm sure you know already what Ramadan is. It's a fully-month fasting for Muslims. But it's not what I'm talking about here today. Instead, I'm talking about my first Ramadan day. When everybody prepared the best before Ramadan came, I got my worst time instead.

3 days before...
I was just so happy to have my lovely Durian juice. It's 08.00 in the evening but it's just as hot as 33 degrees, as hell! Sumpah, panas banget itu! Dan pas temanku datang dengan jus durian di tangannya, rasanya......surga! Segeeeer banget minum jus durian malem-malem gini. Pengusir gerah!

You know what, di Batam kan terkenal banget jus duriannya. Enak dan murah. Maybe karena di sini durian lumayan melimpah kali yaaa. Tapi, jus durian yang aku minum ternyata berkhianat! You know what, setelah beberapa saat minum jus durian, tenggorokanku berasa dipanggang. Panas dan nggak enak banget. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. Kayak ada tiga juta batalion semut nongkrong di tenggorokan! I just can't figure out!

2 days before...
Aku masuk kerja dengan suara sebelas duabelas ma Dewi Perssik! Berasa kayak penyanyi dangdut mau dateng ke sebuah talk show. Suara habis, tenggorokan gatal, dan badan meriang. Kok gak sekalian aja tumbuh uban. Maksudku, sumpah, berasa udur deh!
Malam hari, teman-teman ngajak berenang. Actually, I was not in my best condition physically. But, it looked like fun and I just couldn't deny it anyway.

Byuuuur! Aku renang (pake bola basket sebagai pelampung. I cannot swim, actually) ma teman-teman. It was fun. Like, a lot! Sampai aku ngerasa perutku berkhianat (kayak tenggorokanku kemarin nggak cukup parah aja!). I felt like there were butterflies rock&roll in my tummy.  I try to hold on.
Byuuuur! Bukannya aku berenang lagi, tapi aku muntah! Seisi perut keluar. ALL OUT! TOTALITAS banget deh aku muntahnya.

Okay, mungkin aku harus tidur. Setelah tidur cukup, badan pasti berasa baikan, dan pasti nggak mual-mual lagi. Dan ternyata tidak. Aku nggak bisa tidur. Cuma menggeliat-menggeliat nggak jelas di atas ranjang. Dengan perut mual. dan...
Byuuuuur! Aku muntah lagi untuk kedua kalinya...
Aku muntah lagi untuk ketiga kalinya...
Aku muntah lagi untuk keempat kalinya...
Aku muntah lagi untuk kelima kalinya...
Perutku capek.

Seriously! Nggak tahu kenapa ya aku muntahnya semaniak itu.
Bahkan ibu-ibu hamil aja muntahnya gak se-militan itu.
Perutku seperti dikuras habis sampai-sampai aku takut perutku ntar yang keluar karena dah nggak ada lagi yang bisa dikeluarin.

1 day before...
Aku muntah untuk pertama kalinya sore ini (aku coba menahan untuk nggak muntah dari makan siang tadi!)
Aku muntah untuk kedua kalinya sore ini. Cewek-cewek model Elle aja biar ngidap bulimia nggak seserius ini muntahnya.
Akhirnya aku istirahat totalsore itu. Dan malamnya badanku membaik. Kayaknya tubuhku sudah bisa kompromi. Aku yakin besok sudah bisa puasa. Tinggal istirahat aja dan pasti semuanya bakalan membaik.

Dan ternyata tidak. Ketika badanku dah mulai bisa sinkron, teman-temanku mulai berkhianat. malam itu aku lagi enak-enaknya nonton TV. Nonton NCIS. Dan tiba-tiba dua sejoli nangkring di depan TV sambil kerokan pake minyak kayu putih. O'o...Aku cuma bisa nutupin hidung pake novel yang kupinjam dari Ade. Okay...mereka semakin brutal nuangin minyak kayu putihnya. Dan seluruh ruangan penuh dengan aroma-aroma yang tidak diundang itu. Mereka semakin agresif deh karena tahu aku tidak bisa menolerir bau-bau seperti itu. Buru-buru aku lari ke kamar mandi sampai akhirnya...

Byuuuur! Aku muntah lagi karena hal konyol. Minyak kayu putih.

Dan badanku berkhianat lagi.

When the day comes...

Tadaaa! Aku nggak puasa karena aku masih mual.

"Hamida (hamil) buk?" tanya temanku and I was like "whatever".

Anyway, aku bisa puasa untuk hari keduanya dan moga aja sampai Ramadan kelar.

And anyway, Happy Ramadan!

PS: Benda konyol itu benar-benar bikin aku mual ~.~ 




Carly's Take A Picture: Another Summer Hits!

Who doesn't recognize Carly Rae Jepsen? The young comical hipster-style Canadian singer that hit and flooded last summer nuance with her hit-wonder's "Call Me Maybe". Now, she's back with another mid-80's beat's "Take A Picture". This song reminds me of Madonna's 80s' and there is Butch Walker's "Open Happiness" intro inserted that reminds us of The Coca Cola commercial as well. The melody is ear-catching, a little bit after-night-twist-beat, and definitely, SOOO SUMMER!!!!

The lyrics are easy to remember. You can move along the beat. Just take a look at the lyrics below and listen to the song. I do not think I need to breakdown the song lyrically, paraphrase it like a literature study. Just check this one out and seize the summer time!!!

"Take A Picture"

Flying kites
With boy wonder
Hold tight
To me all summer

Reading my magazines
Dancing in my blue jeans

Pucker up in sunglasses
Making love to the flashes
Posing the way that we do for everybody to see
Polaroid through your lashes
Only thing that will last is
I take a picture of you taking a picture of me

I take a picture of you taking a picture of me
I take a picture of you taking a picture of me
Tomorrow always happens too soon
I wish I had an electric moon
To save the light

And night streamers
Baby blue
With the day dreamers

Under water
Close to me
Hold my breath
In my blue jeans

Pucker up in sunglasses
Making love to the flashes
Posing the way that we do for everybody to see
Polaroid through your lashes
Only thing that will last is
I take a picture of you taking a picture of me.


My First Ramadhan In Batam

It's my first Ramadhan days in Batam. I have fasting month and stay far away from family and have lots of things to do. It doesn't make any different to me to have such thing as I'm not really a religious typical person. But one for sure, it's harder to stay fasting all day long since it's--like it or not--hotter here than anywhere else I've ever been. I'm so thirsty and like powerless so much as I had no supper. I do not really like supper anyway. I mean, waking u at 3 in the morning and have a bunch of food on a plate. It's just...terrible. But, there is no way out unless you break fast right now and you will not feel like you're starving. But it's not what I actually wanna tell you here.

Yesterday I was like a center of the universe as my friends kept asking me what religion I actually possessed. As I had lunch yesterday. I have no idea why some people really take whatsoever-religion-we-possess account. It's not a big deal for me anyway. I mean, I believe what makes us good is not merely what we believe. It's all about what we behave.

Some of my friends just look weird at me as I do not really care of any kind of religion I possess. As if I'm a truly sinner who shall be punished in hell. As if I'm a really bad person as I have nothing to hold on (at least they see me that way). All I can do is just "It's my business, Dude! Back off!". I mean, I have something to hold on, anyway, anyhow. I get a grip and I do not lose it anyway. How could they say that and give such valuation and judgement? They simply say and insist what they believe as rightest. They feel righteous by, let's say, saying what I'm doing is wrong

It seems like the Indonesian society cannot deal with this condition yet. As they're raised in the religions' doctrine's haze that in the end shape the mindset that anything but the-same-like-me is not-right-at-all. Sadly, they believe that hatred is okay. It is confusing and annoying at the same time. How could you justify that you spread hatred or negative thinking against those (like me, at least), meanwhile they believe in something that actually (but they do not really know it yet) do not justify hatred at all?

Anyone, do me a favor!


Ramadhan: Pemahamanku Tentang Puasa / Me And Fasting

Setiap tahun, semua muslim di penjuru dunia akan mengalami apa yang kata mereka sebagai bulan penuh berkah dan pintu ampunan. Bulan untuk bisa semakin mendekatkan diri dengan sang pencipta, dengan menahan berbagai keinginan dan rasa.  

Terutama di Indonesia dan negara-negara muslim lainnya, Ramadhan merupakan bulan yang sangat ditunggu-tunggu dengan berbagai macam perayaan untuk menyambut kedatangannya. Namun, terlepas dari hingar bingarnya, aku mencoba memahami makna puasa yang merupakan inti dari Ramadhan itu sendiri.

Berpuasa adalah menahan keinginan. Apapun keinginan itu. Mulai dari masalah fisik (makan, minum, dsb) sampai kebiasaan yang tidak kita sadari tidak baik bagi kita (gossiping, too much watching TV, marah,
dll). Intinya, menahan. Dan seringkali, kita tidak sabar untuk menahan sesuatu dari dalam diri kita.

Adanya dorongan untuk melakukan apapun merupakan hal yang wajar yang dimiliki setiap manusia. Entah itu dorongan untuk kebaikan atau sebaliknya. Inilah sebanarnya yang harus kita hadapi selama berpuasa. Personally, pemahaman bahwa di bulan puasa setan-setan dibelenggu memang ada benarnya. Bahwa apapun yang kita lakukan tidak ada hubungannya dengan setan, entah setan secara harafiah maupaun sebagai sebuah konsep. Kalaupun memang iya, tetap saja, tindakan kita adalah manifestasi dari keputusan yang kita buat. Dari ego yang ada dalam diri kita masing-masing. Lagipula, buat yang atheist, pemahaman tentang setan juga sangat sulit untuk diterima.

Secara keseluruhan, puasa adalah bentuk pengendalian diri. Dari keinginan-keinginan, dorongan ego. Dan, personally, IMHO, esensi puasa tidak hanya berlaku selama bulan Ramadhan, tapi selama kita hidup.

Selamat berpuasa :)